Toys and more toys . . .

We have several birthdays coming up in the next 6 weeks. All three are looking forward to their birthday and starting to think about what they might like for gifts. There have been commercials recently advertising a baby that swims. Both of the girls would like this.

"Where are you going to use it?" (The commercial shows a swimming pool.)
"In the tub"
"You don't take baths anymore."
"We will!"
"There won't be much room."
"I really want it."

This baby is made by Zapf. Back in the early days when I had no experience with potty training, it was recommended to buy a baby that had a toilet and would 'pee' to show your child how to do it. I did this. Let me tell you it didn't work. What works well for a boy is tossing some goldfish crackers in the toilet and having a little target practice. Keep an eye on him that he doesn't toss the goldfish crackers on the living room floor and take aim though.

Eventually there came a time when the girls played with the baby dolls they had been given or the lovely one that I bought. If you take the Zapf one in the tub with you, it fills up with water. Once the girls were dressed, I would have to dress the baby. Without fail, some of the water would come out of the baby's bottom and make a nice wet mark on my leg(s). Can't you hear them tittering with laughter now?

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