Twilight Series

I was heading to bed one night last week and I was tired and didn't think I would be able to read too long, however, I still wanted to read. All of the books I have right now seem to require some thought and I just needed something relaxing. I pulled Twilight off the shelf and started reading, somewhat hesitantly I must confess. I'm just not a vampire type of gal.

Right off I enjoyed the writing style of Stephenie Meyer. She holds your interest immediately, which, as of late, I can't say has been the case for other books I've read. I was aware that this series was geared toward young adults. A positive in my mind because it would be a quick read. It was entertaining to read of high school issues/relationships and recall my own experiences. Those memories and reminders of what it was like made the first part of the book somewhat fun to read. I was delightfully surprised at the lack of vampire escapades that I had expected to be there. It is important to keep in mind that this is fantasy/romance, at least for me, so I don't wonder what Bella is thinking when her desire to be a vampire is expressed. I can understand from a teenagers point of view wanting to be with the one you "love" but I have a hard time with the forever part of that choice.

With the book Twilight, I liked the beginning, almost to the middle of the book, then I wasn't so thrilled with it. The explaining of vampire difference and how the Cullen family was became long and mundane and the relationship itself was getting somewhat tiring with the dependence. It did pick up toward the end when a vampire was after Bella. I found it a pleasurable read at the end due to it not being drawn out in the plotting and the story went along rather quickly.

When I was less than thrilled with the book in the middle I was undecided as to whether I would continue with the series. The ending was so good that I went ahead and bought the rest of the books hoping they would be delivered by the time I finished the book.

New Moon involves more fantasy as werewolves come into the picture. I was humored that it was a vampire series and there were vampires in the first 3 chapters and then it went for 14 chapters without any. Toward the end of the 14 chapters is where the werewolves came into play though. I must admit I laughed out loud when I read October - turn the page, November - turn the page, December - turn the page, January - turn the page and the story picked up again.

It was interesting how depressed Bella became when Edward left her. It seems like she left her friends when she was with Edward and she didn't have a desire to be with them when he was gone. What was in the book that she feared her police chief father would consider reckless humored me too. I don't have a problem with cliff diving or learning to ride a motorcycle. The time she approached some men outside of a bar, now that was foolish.

In this book you have yet another vampire after Bella. It seems that her relationship with Jacob, an Indian that will become a werewolf, it quite similar to that of Edward. She doesn't gush over how perfect looking he is but he has skills that help her in her destruction mode that she has for a lot of the book so that she can hear Edward's voice in her head. The story is set up well to understand how the werewolves and vampires detest each other.

If I had to choose, I think I would admit that I preferred New Moon to Twilight. I started Eclipse yesterday. I'm short on time for reading until Sunday afternoon though.


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