I must have started stamping a little late today. Usually I'm finishing up a card about the time I need to take my son to the bus stop. His days are so long. He is up at 5:30 to leave the house by 6:00. He gets back around 7:30, changes, has breakfast and I take him to his bus. His stop is about 3/4 mi. away. Some days he gets home around 4:15, others it is 6:30, and then there are the late days when he gets home around 8:30. I think he is pretty amazing to be gone so much and then come home, have dinner, work on homework, practice piano, etc. He still finds time to be on Facebook, but the longer days don't allow for him to log on. He spends a lot of his weekend chillaxin' here or with friends and doing a little bit of work on some merit badges. He has a goal to finish his Eagle rank by summer, with it being presented in August or September. You didn't come here to hear about his schedule and how much I love him though .
About the card, I wanted a bigger circle than I used on the card but I also wanted to stick with what SU offers in the catalog. I don't have the circle cutter so I stuck with the punches so it would be quick to do. I also intended for the strip to be slightly smaller, but I used the decorative image for the "thank you". Still smaller than the circle, which was the goal. I lightly sponged the edges on the vanilla strip with Wild Wasabi.
Stamps: Just Believe
CS: Marina Mist, Textured Wild Wasabi, VV, Early Espresso
Markers: Early Espresso, So Saffron, Wild Wasabi, Marina Mist
Misc.: Vintage Brads, Early Espresso & Marina Mist 1/4" grosgrain, 1-3/4" & 1-1/2" circle punch

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